Banque Scotia

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Informations concernant
Banque Scotia

La Banque de Nouvelle-Écosse (TSX : BNS), qui exerce ses activités sous les noms Banque Scotia en français et Scotiabank en anglais, est une banque à charte canadienne.

La Banque Scotia est l'une des plus importantes institutions financières en Amérique du Nord et la plus internationale des banques canadiennes.

Le bureau de la direction a été transféré à Toronto en 1900, mais le siège social se trouve encore à Halifax. La Banque Scotia a maintenant des activités dans toutes les sphères du marché financier, grâce à sa propre compagnie d'assurance-vie, à sa maison de courtage et à sa compagnie de fiducie, et à un certain nombre d'achats, dont celui de Montreal Trustco, en 1994. Elle emploie, aujourd'hui, plus de 81 000 personnes dans une cinquantaine de pays à travers le monde.

Source : Wikipedia

Leadership Series: Author Dan Pallotta wants to change how we think about non-profits

This episode, we bring you another instalment in our series where leaders at Scotiabank interview experts on an issue that resonates with them. Today, you’ll hear a conversation about re-thinking ...the typical approach to charitable giving hosted by Nicole Frew, Executive Vice President & Co-Head of Global Banking and Executive Champion of Scotiabank’s Employee Giving Campaign, with activist, speaker and author of Uncharitable: How restraints on non-profits undermine their potential, Dan Pallotta. They discuss the problem with how we currently think about charity, the importance of dreaming big when it comes to the sector and some practical questions people should be asking before they decide where to donate their time and money. 

Other episodes of the Leadership Series: 

Challenging the narrative around women in farming (  

The power of allyship in the workplace (  

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Key moments this episode: 

1:40 – A little background on Dan’s history in non-profit and activism 

4:03 – Dan walks us through what foundational changes we need to make in our current thinking around non-profits 

7:33 – What does innovation in the non-profit sector look like? 

10:04 – Advice that Dan gives to non-profits around how they can innovate their approach to fundraising and giving 

13:12 – What about smaller non-profits? Can they use the same approach? 

14:44 – What should donors be thinking about when they are looking for a place to donate? 

16:28 – If a non-profit does want to change, how can they get donors on board? 

18:01 – The number one key to success for non-profits, according to Dan 

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